Saturday, September 14, 2013

You Scream. I Scream.

Making progress.
The gym I was taking classes at is super expensive now so I'm just going to Planet Fitness and using the treadmill and weights. It is better than nothing and is also open 24 hours a day which rocks but I work harder in the classes. I need to find a class that keeps my attention and motivates me. I will let you know what I find. I like Zumba a lot but it's a little too repetitious to old my attention every week.

I went grocery shopping and got a lot of stuff to try some new low carb recipes. Last night I made Schmorgurken. Schmorgurken is a german dish with cucumbers and beef. It was good.
It felt like it was missing something then I read about it an found out it's usually served with rice or potatoes. It has creme freishe in it (which is kind of like a mild sour cream) and I could see the starch being good to balance the sour notes but being low carb that is not an option. My roommate loved it as is and my boyfriend that it tasted great with Parmesan. I enjoyed it but thought maybe some garlic would enhance it. If you want to try it I'll link the recipe I used bellow and let me know if you try any variations.

While on my quest for low carb meals to make I kept in mind that I am a busy person who doesn't always take the time to  cook especially if prep time is more than 30 minutes. I also know what kind of sweet tooth I have and in order to stay on track I knew I needed some easy things to keep on hand. Celery and a Low carb peanut butter is good. I also found some low carb ice cream choices that I'm excited to try.

 Where as they aren't void of sugar they are better than going to Cold Stone's for some Birthday Cake Batter. I am human and after a quarter of a century eating ice cream I'm going to be hard pressed to turn the habit off. Rather than saying to myself, "No more ice cream ever. Never again!" I will try keeping the low carb options on hand to help sooth the ice cream beast within.

Schmorgurken: My Kitchen in the Rockies: Schmogurken

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